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It's a mix of Vicente's specialties, such as Pilates (plenty of core work), Kick Boxing, Flexibility, Nutrition, Relaxation and Rest support. "I have been offering personal training services in all 5 boroughs of NY for more than 11 years and I believe that to optimize your health you must choose fitness; I am the way." Inspiration, Decision and Will Power! Warning! Don't attempt without professional supervision!


Angie Baggio, Entrepreneur
Manhattan, NY

" Bueno, mi unico comentario que puedo decir. Es que a partir de que comenze esta rutina de ejercicios me siento en mejor condicion fisica y con mayor seguridad en los movimientos de mis huesos ya que tengo problemas en mi pierna izquierda pero Vicente sabe ejercitarla apropiadamente. "


" Well, the only comment that I can explain, is that since I started this exercise routine I feel like I'm in a better physical condition. I have more control in the movements of my bones. I have problems with my left leg, but Vicente knows how to exercise it properly. Gracias Vincent. "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"My sister Angie's testimonial makes me extremely proud to be a helpful resource for her"
