My photo
It's a mix of Vicente's specialties, such as Pilates (plenty of core work), Kick Boxing, Flexibility, Nutrition, Relaxation and Rest support. "I have been offering personal training services in all 5 boroughs of NY for more than 11 years and I believe that to optimize your health you must choose fitness; I am the way." Inspiration, Decision and Will Power! Warning! Don't attempt without professional supervision!

" I Love New You"-Peralta Proactive campaign

Many times it's hard to see the whole picture, but now that's not
the case.
Rumor has it that fruits, whole grains and dairy servings
are what our metabolisms need to maintain optimum function, high
in fiber, vitamins, phytonutrients etc.
With all due respect it beats any over the counter, legal or illegal drug...
Vicente Enrique, certified by NASM
For general nutrition and infinite opportunities: Quixtar ( IBO# 4004001 )


Caroline said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

And the nominees aaaare! You!;)

Caroline said...

U are nominated!!!
