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It's a mix of Vicente's specialties, such as Pilates (plenty of core work), Kick Boxing, Flexibility, Nutrition, Relaxation and Rest support. "I have been offering personal training services in all 5 boroughs of NY for more than 11 years and I believe that to optimize your health you must choose fitness; I am the way." Inspiration, Decision and Will Power! Warning! Don't attempt without professional supervision!

A step to mental health!

If our minds aren't in universal harmony we become limited within our environment, this is doubt, fear and/or negative feelings.
Physicality on the other hand won't be effective for meaningful free will without mental "sync" , every accomplishment perfect or incomplete is the process of our spirit.
Patience accomplishes everything in peacefulness, one should only reflect on life as the joy of perfection and all done to complete and change it individually.

Trust, focus and rely; The world is yours!

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