My photo
It's a mix of Vicente's specialties, such as Pilates (plenty of core work), Kick Boxing, Flexibility, Nutrition, Relaxation and Rest support. "I have been offering personal training services in all 5 boroughs of NY for more than 11 years and I believe that to optimize your health you must choose fitness; I am the way." Inspiration, Decision and Will Power! Warning! Don't attempt without professional supervision!


5 simple points to consider:

1: Ears (leveled)
2: Shoulders (leveled)
3: Hips (leveled)
4: Knees (leveled)
5: Feet (straight or parallel)
-At times focus on drawing the belly button towards your spine until a great level of consistency is achieved.
-Don't allow unnecessary tension, take deep breaths throughout and slow controled exhales.
-Be discrete about your pase, focus on slow,controled,untense and natural movements for about 9 minutes.

Vicente Enrique, certified by NASM

General nutritional awareness and infinite opportunities Quixtar (IBO#4oo4oo1)


Anonymous said...

You and caroline should smach your brains togheter än make en utsällning!!!! Två småkryp i en bang!!! Caroline has a utställning änd you get your meddelande across=)

Vicente said...

We are, we are...!
